Remember a while back when featured this amazing home on our blog?! Well now its back up and this time with some interior snap shots! The best way I can describe this home is that it is a “Statement” home. The exterior stands out as being bold and stunning and the interior has comfort and luxury from the basement walls to the showers. One of the things we LOVE about America’s Select Homes is that they pay very close attention to Illinois standards when it comes to electricity and heating and that they promote energy efficiency by utilizing geothermal heating and other types of energy saving methods from your basement to your attic to not only lower living costs but to slowly improve this planet. This company is also a family effort with honesty and integrity at the helm. During our course of shooting homes for this custom builder we have had the opportunity to talk to some very satisfied home owners who have nothing but great things to say about not only the finished product but the builders and contractors themselves. This feature home is located in the beautiful area of Lake Sara in a new subdivision (kind of by our home) called Timber Ridge. This house features an open floor plan, hardwood floors (the good kind), and a luxury shower and tub in the master bathroom. We also liked the family touches of a large chalkboard in the laundry room as well as family friendly living space. As Doug and I shot the home we could imagine it being filled with furniture and love. In case you are curious, this house is for SALE 🙂 Call America’s Select Homes if you are interested or drop me an email and I can get you in touch with the king of awesome houses, Roger who would be happy to give you more details! Doug, with Key-Films will soon have a video tour/trailer of this home as well as others coming up on future blogs (just as I will have more photos to share!). Next up for me though will be a wedding preview…. stay tuned..
-Happy Wednesday Everyone!